New Micro-campus Launch at Via Christi Village – McLean

On Sunday, March 2, we saw the advancement of the 10-year vision with the launch of a new micro-campus at Via Christi Village – McLean. This growth is part of the All Things New journey we are on together as a church, a bold vision to plant 100 churches, see 10,000 people come to know Jesus, and impact 100,000 lives.

The Pathway Anywhere model is designed to bring worship services and community gatherings to those who may face challenges attending a traditional church service. At Via Christi Village – McLean, residents will now have the opportunity to experience meaningful connection, worship, and spiritual encouragement in their own space.

This new micro-campus is happening because of the generosity of our Pathway family and the dedication of volunteers who are committed to sharing the love of Christ. When you give to All Things New you are part of the journey to help fuel the 10-year vision, allowing more campuses like this to launch and reach people where they are. Pathway family, thank you for being a church that gives—because when you do, God moves in powerful ways. Let’s celebrate and continue to be a part of His work!