March Parent Email_banner

March Parent Email

The month of February has been a blast at IGNITE so far! I want to welcome you to our new content channel! We are excited for the chance to continue to improve our online communication with all of our families and believe the new format will help us do that. Thanks for your patience as we iron out some of the kinks in the change!

Weekend Curriculum

Curriculum Image

Our study in the book of Exodus called "He Is" has been a great chance to challenge students on how God does not forget the promises that He makes to His people. When He makes a promise, He always keeps it! Often times, that involves us following God into unknown challenges and adversity (just like Moses), but ultimately God can still use our weaknesses and insecurities to accomplish His mission!

High School Parent Workshop
High School Parent Workshop

On Monday March 10th at 6:30pm, our High School Ministries at all campuses will be hosting a Parent Night Workshop! This will be an opportunity for you to meet our high school leader team, hear an update on the ministry from your campus Student Director, and to sharpen our leadership/parenting skills together as a group! You do not want to miss out on this event! Please make sure you carve it out in your schedule! If your student is currently in 8th grade, please plan to attend as a part of the process of your student getting ready to move to the high school ministry in the coming month! Parents of 8th-12 grade students are encouraged to attend, with our Middle School Parent Night coming at a later date.

Camp Price Increasing Soon!
Camp Price Increasing Soon!

Make sure your student is making plans to join us for CIY MIX at John Brown University or CIY MOVE at the University of Nebraska this Summer for Camp Week! This is the highlight of the year for many of our students and it is always a pivotal time of spiritual formation for our students. Sign up today at! Spots are limited and the price will be increasing on March 14.

Learn More

Save the Date! - Student Promotion
Save the Date! - Student Promotion

Starting Sunday the 23rd and Wednesday the 26th of March (After Spring Break), all current 8th grade students are moving up! Our hope in moving these students on in March is that they will have better connections as they start at new schools this fall and they will get a jump start on getting connected in their new small groups before they head to camp with us this Summer! 

Volunteering for IGNITE Worship and Tech
Volunteering for IGNITE Worship and Tech

Does your student have gifts or talents in music or technology? Our teams are always looking to continue to develop students in the passions and gifts that God has given them! Feel free to respond to this email or to have your student reach out to the Director at their Campus if they are interested.

Service Info


18800 W Kellogg, 67052

Middle School:
Wednesday 6:30p-8p

High School:
Sunday 6:30p-8:30p

Student Director:
Brad Crow
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Valley Center

320 S. Meridian Ave., 67147

Middle School:
Wednesday 6:30p-8p

High School:
Sunday 6:30p-8:30p

Next Gen Director:
Jamie Dennison
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HS Directors:
Kailah Rockwood
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Garrett Rockwood
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2001 N. Maize Rd., 67212

Middle School:
Wednesday 6:30p-8p

High School:
Sunday 6:30p-8:30p

Student Directors:
Middle School:
Christian Hallberg
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High School:
Daniel Southworth
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Valley Center Parents
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