Groups Discussion Guide

Flourishing Part 2

Small Group Discussion Guide

Message Details

  • Series Name: Flourishing
  • Message Title: Empowered
  • Short Summary: The message this week explores how the Holy Spirit empowers believers to live a flourishing life. By embracing our new identity in Christ and aligning our actions with the Spirit's guidance, we can overcome the dark spots in our lives and experience true transformation.

Icebreaker Question

  • If you could instantly become an expert in any hobby or skill, what would it be and why? How does this desire reflect something about your current life or aspirations?

Review of the Previous Week’s "I Will" Statement

  • Reflect on last week's commitment. "I will embrace the words, Now there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus." What challenges did you face? How did you see God show up in your life as you attempted to live out this commitment?

Five Discussion Questions 

  1. Reflecting on the Message:
    • Christian's message emphasized the power of the Holy Spirit in transforming our lives. How do you understand the role of the Holy Spirit in your daily life?
    • Context: Romans 8:9-13 speaks about being controlled by the Spirit rather than our sinful nature.
    • Life Application: Share a recent experience where you felt led by the Spirit. How did it differ from following your own desires?
  2. Empowered Identity:
    • Describe a time when you struggled with your identity in Christ. What emotions did you experience, and how did you find reassurance in your faith?
    • Context: 2 Corinthians 5:17 talks about becoming a new creation in Christ.
    • Life Application: How can you remind yourself of your new identity in Christ during challenging times?
  3. Empowered Action:
    • The message discussed aligning our actions with our new identity. Can you share a situation where you had to choose between your old habits and your new life in Christ?
    • Context: Ephesians 4:22-24 encourages us to put on our new nature.
    • Life Application: What practical steps can you take this week to align your actions with your identity in Christ?
  4. Listening to the Holy Spirit:
    • How do you discern the voice of the Holy Spirit in your life? Share a moment when you felt the Spirit's guidance clearly.
    • Context: The message highlighted the importance of saying no to ourselves to hear the Spirit.
    • Life Application: What practices can help you become more attuned to the Spirit's voice?
  5. Experiencing Empowered Life:
    • Terry's story in the message illustrated transformation through the Spirit. Have you experienced or witnessed a similar transformation? What impact did it have on your faith?
    • Context: John 10:10 speaks of the abundant life Jesus offers.
    • Life Application: How can you pursue a more flourishing life through the Spirit this week?

This Week’s "I Will" Statement

  • I will say "no" to myself so I can say "yes" to God's Holy Spirit. Identify one specific area where you will practice this commitment and share it with the group for accountability.

Prayer Prompts

  1. Begin by asking for any personal prayer requests from the group.
  2. Pray for the courage and strength to say no to our own desires and yes to the Holy Spirit's leading.
  3. Pray for transformation in the areas of life where participants feel stuck or powerless, asking for the Spirit's empowerment to bring about change.

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